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Chinese translation for "extended formation"

[order] 【军事】疏开队形。

Related Translations:
extended:  adj.1.伸开的,展开的。2.延长的,继续的。3.(势力)扩大的;扩张的;(意思)引伸的。4.【印刷】(铅字)宽体的。短语和例子an extended battle line 拉长了的战线。
extend:  vt.1.伸出(手等);伸展。2.延(期);延长(铁路)。3.扩充,扩大,扩展;发挥(力量);延续。4.拉长,拉开(绳子等)。5.寄与,给予(同情等)。6.把(速记等)译出;详细写出。7.致(祝辞)。8.提供,赠送(招待券)。9.〔英国〕【法律】估价;扣押,没收(土地、房产等)。10.【军事】疏开,散开,展开。11.【数学】开拓。12.使(竞赛者)拼命〔常用被动语态〕。13
extended type:  宽体铅字。
extended bonds:  延期偿付的债券。
extended play:  慢速唱片,密纹唱片。
formation:  n.1.构成,形成;设立;编制。2.组织,构造;形态;形成物,构造物;【军事】编队,队形;兵团。3.【地质学;地理学】层;组; 【生物学】社区;(植物)群系。短语和例子heat of formation 【化学】形成热,生成热。 close formation 【军事】密集队形。 dispersed [open] formation 【军事】疏开队形。 fighting [
group formation:  【军事】大队编队(飞行)。
route formation:  【军事】行军队形。
wedge formation:  【航空】楔形编队。
edaphic formation:  土壤群系。
Example Sentences:
1.So that on the 26th of august the russian troops were only defended by weak , unfinished earthworks , and the disadvantage of that position was aggravated by the fact that the russian generals , not fully recognising the facts of the position the loss of the position on the left flank , and the shifting of the whole field of the coming battle from right to left , retained their extended formation from novoe to utitsa , and , consequently , had to transfer their troops from right to left during the battle
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